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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Traffic Management For Pennies On Every DSL Line

From Dave Burstein: the tools for proper discrimination are here
"LSI's "Service-Aware" upgrades allow carriers to control and traffic manage every line at a cost that works out to pennies per month per subscriber...A chip to control 24 to 96 lines typically costs less than $100, perhaps $1-2/customer. Over four years of DSLAM life, that's four or five cents per month."
Its hard to see in his conclusion worrying signs for Europe:
"I believe politics is only one reason Network Neutrality hasn't been abused often so far. Until now the equipment just didn't have the ability to do the line by line fine tuning required to selectively favor and disfavor. That limit is being rapidly overcome by LSI and half a dozen other vendors. Carriers will soon have the ability to do almost anything they want to maximize revenue from your line."

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